This article is a short excerpt from the class handout for the How to Use Crystals and Gemstones training, available live and online from the Vesica Institute. There is much more information in the course on Marcel Vogel’s specific energy clearing & healing techniques.
Marcel Vogel’s Crystal Technology
Marcel Vogel (1917-1991) worked with IBM for 27 years, creating the magnetic coating for disc drives and creating LCD (Liquid Crystal Displays) technologies.
Vogel had remarkable spiritual abilities. In one experiment, Vogel focused his mind on an oleate of cholesterol for an hour, while visualizing the Blessed Mother. The imprint from his mind actually imprinted the mental image into visible appearance in the liquid crystals of the cholesterol. Vogel thereby demonstrated the reality of Crystals receiving and holding stable imprints coming directly from the human mind.
After retirement from IBM in 1984, Vogel started Psychic Research Inc. (PRI) where he conducted original research into advanced crystal technologies, and the structuring of water as an information medium.
Vogel received a spiritual vision of a very powerful Crystal design for Healing, Information Storage and Transfer and Energy Activation, which became famous in the 1980’s as the “Vogel Crystal”. The Vogel Crystal is based on the pattern of the “Tree of Life”
Most Modern “Vogel Crystals” are not authentic. There are only a couple of cutters trained in the original Vogel method, who are making Vogel crystals accurately. Virtually all sellers of “Vogel” Crystals claim that they are ‘real’ or ‘true’ Vogels, but this is simply false; true Vogel Crystals have critical features not found in counterfeits, which I will detail below. Virtually any cut double-terminated crystal today is sold on the market as a “Vogel” crystal; the majority of these are poorly mass-produced in Brazil.
The Vesica Institute works directly with Vogel’s own original Master Cutter to make true Vogel Crystals available.
The Creation of the “Vogel Crystal” and the Secrets to its Power.
Vogel knew that crystals are powerful information storage, transmission and amplification systems which could be imprinted and programmed by the human mind. He experimented with the optimal forming of Quartz Crystal to optimize its energetic functions, resulting in his receiving a vision of the Tree of Life as the key pattern for cutting the crystal.
The Tree of Life pattern formed into a Vogel crystal creates double terminations with different angles. This operates like a Laser, with the energy flow between the two points creating a powerful coherent beam of energy coming out of the more sharply pointed end, which is referred to as the ‘male’ end or ‘firing tip’; the opposite tip is the ‘female’ receptive end.
Vogel cut the female, receptive tip to tune it to the interlattice angle of Quartz Crystal itself, which is 52 degree; this is also the slope angle of the Great Pyramid at Giza Plateau in Egypt. That angle of 52 degrees is also in harmonic resonance with the intermolecular bonding angle for water, which is 104 degrees (double the interlattice angle of the Crystal). This is the receptive, primary energy intake end.
The Vogel Crystal thus activates the natural internal matrix of the Crystal itself and also resonates with pure water. The Bones, Tissues and Cells of the human body are themselves crystalline matrices, with the majority of the body being water. Water is a liquid crystal, with tremendous information and energy storage potential. The Vogel Crystal can help to optimally structure the information field in water or any liquid or crystalline matrix, including the Human Body and Energy Field.
To further reinforce the resonance of the Vogel Crystal with Water, Vogel used an Omega 5 radionic device to ensure the crystals resonate with the vibrational frequency rate of water.
The male firing tip of the Vogel Crystal is always cut to a sharper angle than the receptive tip, so that the energy flows primarily out of this point. A Vogel Crystal’s firing tip can actually be cut to a specific person’s resonant angle, the angle which resonates most strongly with the individual vibration of their personal energy field. Master Cutters of Vogel Crystals will, through an intuitive process, put specific angles into the firing tip which will resonate with the person who is destined to find the crystals and use it later.
The Vogel Crystal must be cut on the natural growth axis (‘C’ axis) of the crystal, which is the natural energetic pathway in the crystal’s internal structure. In true Vogel Crystals the two tip points are exactly aligned with the natural growth / energy conduction axis in the crystal. This is rarely the case with counterfeit Vogel crystals.
Although not described by Vogel, the Tree of Life pattern is an important energetic structure in the human energy field which is consciously crystallized and stabilized in higher level spiritual initiation practices. The Vogel Crystal is a master tool to activate this Tree of Life pattern in the human energy field. We explore this further in the How to Use Crystals and Gemstones class, in which we use the model of the Egyptian-Christian form of the Tree of Life (called the ‘Symbol of Life’ by the Greek initiate Daskalos) to activate this form in our energy fields using the power of the Vogel Crystal.
Because of the Vogel Crystal being formed into the optimal resonant shape for cohering thought and energy, it is a master healing tool. Any thought put into it can be held, amplified and can be transmitted energetically into other systems.
A Vogel Crystal is both an optimal “Activation” crystal and an optimal “Projection” crystal. When used for Activation, it is held in the left hand (or whichever hand is receptive for the person). It will activate and strengthen all 7 chakra major energy centers in the human body; this is generally beneficial and acts to strengthen a person’s energy field. As an ‘Activation’ crystal it draws energy into our body while we are projecting energy out of the right (or active) hand, so that the healer stays energetically charged and does not get depleted by the healing. Held in the right hand, it is a powerful ‘Projection’ crystal, sending powerful, coherent, focused energy to a client or any desired recipient (including charging other crystals or other uses). However, for extracting large amounts of toxic energy the ‘Prana’ cut is optimal for a crystal (single termination).
Vogel was well aware of potential misuse of the tremendous power of Crystals and placed safeguards in Vogel Crystals against misuse. For example, if a person tries to use the crystal in anger, internal flaws may appear or the crystal itself may crack to prevent the misuse. These safeguards are permanently instilled into the True Vogel Crystal at the time of their creation; they are not present in fake Vogels.
Types of Vogel Crystals
Sizes: Although any size is theoretically possible, for practical purposes of cutting they usually range from a small size of 3.5 inches up to around a foot in length. Most are between 3.5 to 5 inches. It is getting increasingly difficult to find good quality quartz crystal that is relatively clear, in the larger sizes. For this reason plus other factors of cutting difficulty, there is a logarithmic increase of price with the increase in size. A true Vogel Crystal of 7 inches in length may not be double the price of a 3.5 inch model; it may be several times the price.
Materials: True Vogels are usually made of Clear Quartz Crystal. They may also be made of other Quartz variants, such as Citrine or Smoky Quartz or Amethyst, although these are much less common.
Clarity: Although the clarity of the stone is highly prized, Vogel and his assistants found that stones did not have to be completely clear to be effective. In some cases stones with some internal clouding, occlusions etc. may be more powerful than completely clear stones. Every stone is an individual being, with its own intrinsic energy nature. Stones which are not completely optically clear should not be disregarded; they may have important qualities of their own added to the Vogel Crystal.
Number of Sides: The first Vogel Crystals were four-sided; later variants added more sides, such as 6, 8, 12 or 13. Vogel found that as the number of sides increased, the more the energy was amplified coming out of the firing tip. One concept regarding this is that the female end draws in the energy, which as it travels down the ‘C’ axis to the firing tip is then reflected by each facet inward resulting in a faster spin rate of the energy.
Vogel in some cases related the number of sides to different levels of subtle body structure, with the lower number of sides being more toward the physical and etheric level, higher number of sides being more resonant on higher plane / subtle body levels. From this perspective a higher number of sides is not necessarily always ‘better’; lower numbers of sides may be more tuned into particular levels of structure. In any case, any Vogel Crystal can be used for all purposes regardless of the number of sides.
True Vogel Crystals Available from the Vesica Institute
At the Vesica Institute we stock a variety of sizes, made by Marcel Vogel’s own original Master Cutter. These are the highest quality cut quartz crystals we have ever found. Each item is a unique piece, just as every sword made by a mater Japanese sword-maker is unique. The stock is regularly shifting and most pieces are only available for days or weeks before they are gone. Because the master Cutter makes each piece personally by hand, the supply of these True Vogel Crystals is quite limited. We also have custom Vogel Crystals made by the Master Cutter at our request, with 16 or 19 sides. The 16 sides design adds in the Centering Energy Quality* (for complete explanation of the Vibrational Spectrum, see Vibrational Testing & Healing Online Training) this adds an additional energetic benefit to the Vogel Crystal (the use of 16 as a ‘BG3’ generator is taught in the BioGeometry Foundation Training). The 19 sided custom Vogel Crystals have extraordinary energy qualities (higher levels of the Centering Energy quality* and very powerful Spiritual Forces).
* The Centering Vibration is the energetic signature of the unified source of creation, represented in classical traditions (including Egyptian, Rosicrucian, Masonic and others) as a point in the center of a circle. This original source was referred to as “The One” by the ancient Greeks, “Bindu Point” in the Himalayan Tradition, “Wu Ji” in the Daoist tradition etc.
In modern times this harmonizing energy quality of the Center has been identified, extensively researched, and practically applied in the BioGeometry ™ system created by Dr. Ibrahim Karim of Cairo Egypt, where it is referred to as the BG3™ or “The One Energy Quality”. We highly recommend training in BioGeometry to learn more about how to detect and apply this essential balancing/harmonizing energy quality. Please see our BioGeometry page for our upcoming trainings in this amazing energy science, and more information can be found in Dr. Karim’s public text Back to a Future for Mankind.
For more information on a wide range of practical Vibrational applications with Stones, see our Vesica Institute Online Trainings:
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